Monday, 30 September 2013

Genres and Audience


A Genre Is a categories of different texts. In film it is obviously categories of films.

For Example:
  • Horror
  • Comedy
  • Science Fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Drama
  • Action
  • War
Along with these genres we have codes and conventions.

Codes are systems of signs which create meaning. Technical codes is when the equipment is used to tell the story. Symbolic codes are what are beneath the surface of the film.

Conventions are accepted ways of doing something; in other words in film it's what you expect to be included.


An audience is a group of people who engage in media texts.
Mass Audience- these are popular texts such as soaps.
Niche Audience- these are small, select groups of people with a unique interest.
Categories based on social class/grade
  1. Group A- these are well paid professionals such as doctors.
  2. Group B- these are fairly well paid professionals such as teachers. 
  3. Group C1- these are the 'white collar' professions such as nurses.
  4. Group C2- 'blue collar' professions such as plumbers.
  5. Group D- manual workers such as drivers.
  6. Group E- these are people such as: students, the unemployed and pensioners.
We measure media audiences by looking at: sales, subscriptions, ratings and figures.
What is NRS?
National Readership Survey provides the most valued audience research in use for print advertising trading in the UK.
Looking at audiences
Quantitative Research- for example questionnaires
Qualitative Research- for example interviews 

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Camera Angles

I have created a short YouTube video on camera angles. Building up my knowledge for when we start filming and planning to know what type of shots I want to use with the proper names so when in groups everyone understands. In the video I have used a variety of photos and short video clips put together of my dog to demonstrate my understanding of each camera angles.


  Explanation of the Camera Angles:

Extreme Long Shot- This is a scene setting shot. It shows lots and at a big distance. For example a shot of a city to show that where the film is set before the film starts.

Long Shot- Otherwise known as the full shot. In this shot you can always see the entire body of the character/s.

Medium Shot- Shows a character from the knees or waist up. This shot is mainly used for dialogue.

Close-Up- Contains very little background and concentrates on the face or maybe detail in the scene.

Extreme Close-Up- Magnifies object in the shot beyond how it is usually seen. Close-ups are most commonly of the mouth or eyes.

Bird's Eye View- Scene from over head (how a bird would view it). It is used to make the audience feel like they are in a powerful position or look small.

High Angle- This is from above the action. It gives the audience a general overview of what is happening.

Eye Level- The camera is positioned as though it is a human observing the scene.

Low Angle- From below the action. Used to make characters look taller is they are short. Creates the sense that the character is powerful and makes them seem more intimidating compared to if an eye level or high angle shot was used.

Canted Angle- The camera is titled; rather than level. This can be used to suggest imbalance or instability.

Pans- Usually fixed to a tripod and the camera is moved sideways for example left to right.

Tilts- This is when the camera scans an object from top to bottom or vise versa.

Tracking Shot- In professional film making the camera is usually placed on a moving vehicle and moves alongside the action. It follows either a moving character or object.

Zoom Lenses- Camera zooms in; to focus on an object or detail in scene. On the other hand it could zoom out from the action/detail.