Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Change in Location

Because of a problem with not being able to access the dance studio when we wanted to film our location unfortunately had to change so here are the pictures of our new location which we used for filming. We didn't plan when we were going to film so everything was done last minute that created this problem of not being to film where we wanted. However luckily the front of our theatre at school which was right next to the original location we found are new location which was very similar. When planning and filming my final film piece I need to make sure that we film where my group wants, to do get the desired effect to the film. When planning we should organise dates and locations between each other to make sure that the project runs smoothly.

Prelimiminary Task Planning Contiued

Shooting Schedule

All shots with Sam (Male Actor) need to be shot first as he is only available for a short while, for filming.

o   Medium shot of both characters standing and meeting each other with dialogue and hug

o   Point of view shot from girls (Lucy’s) view with boy (Sam) saying all his dialogue needed for the shot reverse shots.

o   Point of view shots from boy’s (Sam’s) view with all the girls (Lucy’s) dialogue needed. Making sure your keeping to the 180 degree rule.

o   Zoom of boy’s (Sam’s) face when he sees the girl (Lucy) walk through the door

o   Close-up from behind girl’s (Lucy’s) shoes entering the door

o   Inside front view of girl’s (Lucy’s) shoes entering the door (these two shots will be edited together to show an understanding of match on action

o   Tracking shot of girl’s (Lucy’s) shoes walking across the room to the table

o   Close-up of girls (Lucy’s) mouth smiling


Lucy and Sam perform a blind date. Lucy's character is arriving late to the blind date by walking in the room and approaching Sam's table. The scene is quite awkward as they greet each other.

Sam: Hello!

Lucy: Hi.

(they hug and sat down, camera angle changes from medium shot to 180-degree rule shots of them talking)

Sam: So...how are you? (shyly)

Lucy: I'm fine. You? (coldly)

Sam: Fine...(smiling awkwadly)

Lucy: Cool...(says without interest)

(video fades)

Diagrams of Shots

Screen Grabs From Editing

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Preliminary Task

Our preliminary task Is a continuity task where you have to film and edit:

  • a character opening a door
  • crossing a room
  • sitting down in a chair opposite another character
  • they must then exchange a couple of lines of dialogue

The task should also demonstrate:
  • Match on Action- action that continues through multiple shots
  • Shot/Reverse Shot- when you film from both peoples perspectives (angles)
  • 180 Degree Rule   

Coming up with a concept.....

Looking at others past Preliminary Tasks

Things to remember In my Preliminary Task
  • Sound Bridges
  • Type of Transitions
  • Continuity
  • Sound (use of microphones/voiceovers)
  • Good Editing
  • Mise En Scene
  • Being on the right side of shot
  • Keeping to all the requirements

Planning of our Preliminary Task


What factors do you need to consider when selecting a location?

...and why is it so important?

  • Does it portray your film the way you want it to be portrayed?
  • Weather
  • Time of Day
  • Space
  • Permission
Location is important so that you can set the mood for your film. It has to fit in- and not just be some random place.

Sunday, 13 October 2013


Representation- the way the media RE-PRESENT individuals, groups, events and issues

Stereotype- media institutions use stereotypes because the audience will instantly understand them. They're repeated so often that we assume they are normal or 'true'. They are a 'visual short-cut'.

Archetype- the 'ultimate' stereotype. Taken to the extreme.

Countertype- a representation that challenges traditional stereotypical associations of groups, people or places.

Mean Girls - Mise En Scene Analysis

 For homework we were asked to analyse the Mise en Scene from two scenes in mean girls.

Here is my analysis...

After reading feedback from my teacher I realise that I need to focus on writing a more detailed analysis to show that I fully understand.

Sunday, 6 October 2013


In lesson we learnt about different types of sound and how sound helps make a film. This will be helpful to apply to the tasks we do in our media course because sound plays a big part in how an audience feels when watching supporting the visual filming. It can change the whole concept of the way you view something.

 For example on YouTube I found a version of Willy Wonka the movie that with recuts and sound changes it changes the whole genre of the movie to a horror.

This is the original trailer:

And this is someone's remake of it as a horror. I think the sound is what makes the most dramatic change to the concept of the genre changing:

Golden Rules on Creating My Blog

Referring to an examiners report on as media blogs on what previous candidates have done I have come up with 'Golden Rules' for what I should and shouldn't do on my blog, to increase my chances of getting a higher grade. I created a poster to keep in my media folder so I could refer back to it throughout the course.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Mise en Scene

Here is a short video to show you my understanding of mise en scene. With my understanding of mise en scene I can now apply this to my planning of my preliminary task and final as media horror film opening sequence.