Who would be the audience for your media product?
Name: Joshua Miles
Age: 17
Studying: English, Biology, Law & Psychology at sixth form
Favourite Subject: Psychology
Favourite Food: Pasta
Favourite TV Shows: Another (anime horror), Deadmanwonder land (anime psychological horror) and Breaking Bad
Favourite Films: Shutter Island, The Thing and Creature from black lagoon
Future Job: Psychologist
Joshua is from a working class background and at age 17; is in our typical target audience of 12A. 'Maddison' mainly aims at the groups C2, D and E. Joshua also fits in to this target in Group E as he is a student. Joshua is also a good representation of our target audience as he is very interested in Psychology, meaning that our sub-genre of psychological horror would be a chosen genre for him (also seen in his chosen favourite films).
Joshua's Feedback on Maddison:
"The opening titles effectively set the mood of the film and I was able to infer what genre and plot the film was going to have. The way how the separate scenes were put together was well done and very professional. However I must say that the acting looked and felt forced. In general I found it interesting, and would watch 'Maddison'.
Dr. Abraham Maslow in 1969 studied monkeys and then went on to study humans, which he found acted mostly in the same way. From this Dr. Maslow's famous Hierarchy of Needs was born.
Because Young & Rubicam also asked what brands people bought and how they felt about them, the system also became a way of understanding the deeper appeals of those brands.The system accepted that people from different countries were influenced by their differing cultural backgrounds,and removed the effect of those backgrounds. And so it was named the Cross Cultural Consumer Characterisation, or ‘4Cs’ for short.
4Cs divides people into seven types, depending on their core motivation. Shades of grey within the type come from the secondary motivations of their members.
Joshua took the test to find out which of the seven types he was and got these results:
This means that Joshua comes under 'The Succeeder'.
Succeeder's possess self-confidence, have a strong goal orientation and tend to be very organised. As a result, they tend to occupy positions of responsibility in society. Their investment in the status quo means they tend to support it.