Thursday, 16 January 2014

Other Casting Photographs

Dr. Lewis. We have kept Lewis in a basic smart/casual look. The smart shirt with tie and black trousers is just a general look which we want the doctor to be like. We want him to be presented as a safe figure for Scarlett, like a friend but also show his professional status. With his sleeves rolled up it suggests he has a more layed back/ casual  personality. 
We picked Lewis to play the role of the doctor because he looks sophisticated and older than his years. He also takes as drama so has the acting skills we need to make our final piece look professional.

Scarlett's friend needs to wear a bit more colour as she is at a good point however the dark bit on the dress shows a connection to Scarlett. As if she can link to her but she isn't in the dark place. We picket me to play the role of Scarlett's friend because I have had experience with acting in plays before and Jaime-lea who is playing the part of Scarlett is my friend in real life so the acting and situation is more realistic. Meaning are audience can make a clearer link to the both of us being friends. It also means acting run smother as we are both confident around each other.

Scarlett is going to change a few times during the filming to make it look like the events were on diffrent days. However for ease and stciking to a conventional 'wardrobe' she will wear jeans and then just change tops or add jumpers over the top. The clothers are going to be Jamie the actors clothes which she wears normally so it is deffinatley something that someone her age would wear. However we have asked that the clothes are darker and that she doesnt really wear white to clash with our convention of the antagonist, Maddison.

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