Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Costume Research

Why are costumes so important?

  • Usually antagonists wear the same outfit throughout the film and then that particular costume is realted to that charcter.
  • The costume creates the representation of a character; so how you as the audience view them.
  • Gives you a sense of what time period the film is set in
  • Suggests what of previously happened to them in the film; for example rips or blood on the costume.
  • An idea of their social status (rich/poor etc..)

Ananlyse of the costume the girl is wearing in the Exorcist

The little girl is seen wearing a white night gown. The colour white is usually used to connotate innocence and purity. Children are usually seen as being innocent, so it supports this. However it is contrasting to the fact that the little girl being the antagonist. The antagonist is usually the one that causes the trouble and is the main focus or point of a horror film; so they are not really seen as being 'innocent'. There is also blood at the bottom of the girls gown. Blood being red connotates danger and pain. This being on the white gown could suggest the innocence is being taking away from the girl.

Ideas for Maddison's Costume:

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